Luau centerpieces 2011 Birthday pool party ! :):)

 So it's that time again, summer!! We always have our daughter's pool luau birthday party around this time.  PERFECT weather for a pool party for sure.  It's summer, school's out and the kid's are ready for some fun in the SUN ! (Since when  do I overdue anything!!!) We always try to do our very best for our kid's birthday's.  Anyway, these are their childhood memories that will last a lifetime.  :):):) In this first picture you will see one of the centerpieces that I made for the party.

 Table centerpiece that I made for the party !! :):)

 balloon burst,  that my husband puts together every summer for the kids. :)
 The treasure box,  I now have displayed on my aquirium. :):)
 You always have to have some zebra print, with pink, at a 12 year old birthday party:)

 The cutout that I bought at a party store, that I just had to have at our party :)

My centerpiece :)


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